What Is Negativity Bias and How Can It Be Overcome? (Article)
• “By checking in with yourself throughout the day, you can start to recognize any thoughts that are running through your mind – both helpful and unhelpful ones. You can also look at your own behaviors too, for a better understanding of what’s serving you and what isn’t.”
12 Common Cognitive Biases in our Thinking: Part 1 (Video)
12 Common Cognitive Biases in our Thinking: Part 2 (Video)
Common Errors in our Thinking (Video)
10 Unhelpful Thinking Styles Ruining Your Success (Video)
Buddhist Practice: Dealing with Intrusive Thoughts and Emotions (Article/Podcast)
CBT Worksheets:
Thought Record
Automatic Thoughts Record
Cognitive Distortions
Examples of Automatic Negative Thoughts
Challenging Negative Thoughts
Coping Skills